Monday, June 23, 2008

in fall I invite you..

23, June

Hey, Hanno
It was so exciting to hear from you. I'm really happy and want to spend time travelling with you all around Korea. We have four seasons and also clear boundaries between them. I highly suggest Fall among them. In fall the weather gets nicer & nicer. we have deep blue sky and a great view. At that time we also have all kinds of newly ripened grains and fruits so you have a good chance to get good food. Not to mention we have a long history. We have many historical places here and there. You might regard whole country as a huge museum.
After seeing those things, I'd like to go to suburbs near Seoul. There are lots of fun places: A fancy amusement park, art gallery& commercial centers, traditional markets, folk villages, and antique style regions.. I hope we can enjoy them there.

Please before your leave, let me know wnen you arrive and how long you'll stay here. I look forward to your visit.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Similiarities in differences

My partner CATARINA is an EXTROVERTED mate. After chatting, I discovered some similarities and some differences between us.
She likes to chat with other people, and so do I. she has a big circle of friends, but I have a few very close friends. We both have extroverted personalities, but there are some differences. When I meet somebody, at first I feel uncomfortable and I hesitate about if she/he is safe. Ater judging whether being he/she safe or not, I lastly interact with the person .
I would rather be a good judge of information than a person with quick intuition, so I am a quick talker.
So is she. We have very often regretted that we talked about those kind of things. We also hate feeling rushed or being interrupted.
However, we could find some different characteristics from each other. I talk a lot only when the topic is truly important and interesting, but she enjoys talking about many social activities. I like this part of her. She has wide concerns about people and things. I'm considering about doing more activities than thoughts. We have more common things between us, and I am attracted by the differences.

Friday, June 13, 2008

much more affection..

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Elly- Daegu Korea
I believe MUCH MORE AFFECTION should be more highly emphasized with children. School is a small society. Students are meant to learn there. If they experience negative things, they will have anti-society attitude when they grow up. Thus they have to learn many positive things and go into society afterwards. Effects are always coming with causes. I think most bullies have some serious reasons for acting like this. we should approach them with an open-mind based on understanding. Through proper counseling with them, they can improve to interact with their mates. And then it needs feedback. The results pile up, and we can get better solutions. After that we can call them bullies or not.
Posted by Elly at 9:48 AM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nelson Mandela is ..

Nelson Mandela is a person who had a long walk to freedom. He was a democratically elected president with 62% of the vote in South Africa and being devoted to increasing human being’s freedom, he got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Because his activities were anti-government, he was put in jail for 27 years.
He was born in Qunu, south Africa on july 18, 1918. He graduated from mission school and then studied law in Jahannesberg. He was interested in law early in his life. He later joined the African National Congress(ANC) the goal of which was to end the unjust system of apartheid in south Africa.
He has spent the rest of his life after retirement raising money for children’s charities. Nelson Mandela showed a good model of leadership, and he got to make many changes in the fights for freedom.
He has lived his whole life as his sayings in his autobiography in 1994: the greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.